Pearl Street Arts Fest 2024
Booth Request Information & Maps for Accepted Artists
Congratulations on being accepted to Downtown Boulder's Pearl Street Arts Fest! We look forward to having you here in July.
To request a specific booth for the Pearl Street Arts Fest, you must first complete the FULL booth checkout process in Zapplication. Please select and pay for Special Booth Request when you check out in Zapplication and follow these instructions:
- Review the Acceptance Maps (access via buttons below for either Mall or 14th Street booth maps)
- Select 5 specific booths that meet your needs
- Fill out the form below with your 5 specific booth numbers
- If paying by check, please include a second separate check for $100 plus a self-addressed, stamped envelope with your booth fee payment.
Please Note: If you do not provide 5 specific booth choices, we will not consider the request complete and will process your request last. Requests are considered on a first-come, first-served basis, so please make sure you submit a complete request. If we are unable to accommodate your request, we will refund your $100.
Non-paid special requests will also be considered after all of the paid requests have been processed. Please consider making a request even if you did not pay as this allows us to give you a space that best fits your needs.
The deadline for submitting the special booth request form is Friday, May 31, 2024.
If you have any questions, please contact our events department.