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Tulip Fever!

Category: Boulder Blog

Post Date: Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Here’s a random fact about me, tulips are hands down my favorite flower. I love the fact that they’re scentless and don’t give me a headache, they come in a variety of bright colors, and they signify that warm weather and sunshine are well on their way! If you’re anything like me then you must be a very happy camper right now because the tulips on the mall are blooming like crazy. I guess the Tulip Fairy and Elf Festival was a success because the tulips are definitely awake now, the Tulip Fairy was on top of her game this year! If you haven’t walked along the Pearl Street mall yet what are you waiting for? The weather is supposed to be sunny and gorgeous this week, so prime outdoor mall conditions. The tulips on the North side of the mall are in full bloom but South side tulips are catching up fast so now’s the time to take in the views of our beautiful downtown!



Tagged:   Boulder,   East End

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