Resource Guide for New Businesses
The Boulder Small Business Development Center and the Boulder Economic Council provide extensive resources for new businesses in Boulder.
See the Colorado Business Resource Book produced by the Colorado Small Business Development Center Network for one of the most successful and comprehensive business start-up guides in the nation.
Check out the Boulder Economic Council's "Doing Business in Boulder" page for additional information and resources.
Boulder Small Business Development Center
Boulder Business Resource List
1 - Boulder Small Business Development Center
2440 Pearl Street--Boulder, CO 80302
(303) 442-1475
The Small Business Development Center (SBDC) is a joint venture between the Boulder Chamber of Commerce, The Small Business Administration and the State of Colorado. The goal is to provide assistance via training, research and free counseling to small business owners and those who are starting small businesses in the Boulder area. SBDC clients do not have to be members of the Boulder Chamber of Commerce.
2 - Boulder Chamber of Commerce
2440 Pearl Street--Boulder, CO 80302
(303) 442-1044
The Boulder Chamber of Commerce is a membership-based organization dedicated to maintaining a healthy and balanced business climate in the Boulder region. It is the leading advocate for small businesses on public policy issues, as well as a forum for networking, education, and promotion.
3 - Business Library--Boulder Public Library
1000 Canyon Blvd--Boulder, CO 80302
Mailing: PO Box Drawer H--Boulder, CO 80302
(303) 441-3194
The Boulder Public Library provides hundreds of resources for start-up or existing businesses - everything from industry trends to specifics on marketing, accounting, etc. Reference librarians are always available and willing to help you begin your research.
4 - City of Boulder--Transportation Department
Park Central Building
1739 Broadway--Boulder, CO 80302
(303) 441-3266 fax (303) 441-4271
The traffic count for a specific street or intersection can be useful in making the difficult decision of where to locate your business. The Transporatation Department knows the roads and offers facts that can be crucial to your potential success.
5 - Downtown Boulder Partnership
Downtown Boulder Business Improvement District
1942 Broadway, Suite 301--Boulder, CO 80302
(303) 449-3774
The Downtown Boulder Business Improvement District (BID) is a 49 block neighborhood where property owners tax themselves to make their community cleaner, safer, and more vibrant. The tax is used by the BID to purchase services that supplement those provided by the city and provide a comprehensive consumer marketing program.
6 - CU Business Library--University of Colorado
Business Building 341--Boulder, CO 80302
(303) 492-8367
The CU Business Library is a great resource for study and research materials for management and administration, accounting, advertising, banking, finance, small business and entrepreneurship, marketing, real estate, and transportation.
7 - Department of Community Vitality
1500 Pearl Street--Boulder, CO 80302
(303) 413-7300
The city's Economic Vitality programs and strategies promote innovation, competitiveness and entrepreneurship in Boulder. The program coordinates and supports efforts within the city organization, and with partner groups in the community, to foster the retention and expansion of existing businesses and enhance business services. To learn more about services offered, visit Business in Boulder.
8 - Colorado Association of Manufacturing and Technology
PO Box 1159--Boulder, CO 80306
(303) 981-7101
The mission of the Colorado Association of Manufacturing and Technology (CAMT) is to assist manufacturers through consulting, training, export assistance, and improved technology. The CAMT has helped hundreds of manufacturing clients over the years.
9 - Boulder Economic Council
2440 Pearl Street--Boulder, CO 80302
(303) 786-7867
The Boulder Economic Council is the community's economic development organization --supporting entrepreneurs and exisitng Boulder company's, as well as encouraging companies to relocate to the Boulder area. The council works closely with the city, the University, and the business community in pursuit of its mission.
10 - Denver Public Library
10 West 14th Ave Parkway
Denver, Colorado 80204
(720) 865-1111
Information on all existing patents can be found in the Business and Government Documents Section of the Denver Public Library