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Dairy Comedy in the Boe

Category: Arts & Entertainment

Date and Time for this Past Event


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Al Jackson is an American television host, comedian, and actor. He co-hosts the nationally broadcast talk show Daily Blast Live, which is in its fourth season. Al regularly serves as a contributor with weekly segments on the Bob & Tom Radio Show, which boasts 140+ affiliates nationally. As far as acting goes, Al has appeared on HBO’s 2Dope Queens performing stand-up and Jim Jeffries show Legit on FX. He shot over 100 episodes of his BBC Guinness Book of World Records show Officially Amazing. Al’s hour-long comedy special Baby Steps was picked up by the global distributor Comedy Dynamics and his half hour comedy special is on Comedy Central.

Also on the show are Jené Suplee (whom you might know from the Moms Unhinged Comedy Show), Samira Beason, Emily Kingsley, and Josh Masek. And as always, hosted by Zoe Rogers.