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Tube to Work Day

Category: Events

Date and Time for this Past Event


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Time-line of the morning festivities

7:00am - Our stilt walker parade will depart Central Park (Tubing Exit).  We highly recommend this option if you're driving to the event as parking is very limited and congested near Eben G. Fine Park.  

7:15-8am - Arrive @ Eben G. Fine Park, check in at the stone shelter (all you'll need is your name since you already registered), get your wristband, pump your tube if you haven’t already, play some games, catch some flying neckties, dance!

8:05am - Opening Speech

8:15am - Ribbon is cut, proceed through "the gauntlet," to the official put-in; hold up your wristband, helmet on, life jacket visible. We'll let a wave of tubers in the water, quick break then another wave and so on.

8:15am - We tube!

8:45 - 9:45am - Hot coffee, lite breakfast and DJ dance party at Boulder Central Park

9:45 -10am - Tube onwards from Central Park or set off on foot to downtown offices.

Register now!

BYOT - Participants bring their own inner tubes and helmets and tube Boulder Creek from Eben G. Fine Park to their various places of employment. Hot coffee, lite breakfast and DJ dance party at Central Park.

* Minimum age is 18 years old.

*Waivers, helmets, life jacket and closed-toed footwear = mandatory. Are bike helmets OK? Yup, they sure are.

*Additional suggested attire – Wetsuit (strongly recommended) beneath business attire, all costuming welcome. 

*Use of personal vehicle in any TTWD is strongly discouraged. In the spirit of alternative transportation please leave your car at home.

*Tying tubes together = not allowed. Sorry y’all, no floatillas.

*Never tubed Boulder Creek? It’s the real deal. Don’t show up with a cheap inner tube from Target.