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Yoga Medicine® Resilience Retreat

Categories: Sports & Fitness Workshops & Meetings

Date and Time for this Past Event


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Yoga Medicine® Resilience Retreat
With Tiffany Cruikshank
Saturday, June 29 + Sunday, June 30
9:30 - 11:30am + 1:30 - 3:30pm
Description: Whether you’re on the burnout spectrum or looking to optimize your health and performance, this series has the resources to put you on the right track. You’ll get a heavy dose of breathwork, myofascial release, asana, and yin yoga along with research & educational resources to use when you leave.

Resilience Retreat
Feeling burned out or looking to optimize your health & resilience? Then this Resilience Retreat has your name on it! Yoga Medicine® has careful curated a weekend of practices to give you the experiences & tools you need to revitalize your health & wellness using both research-based & traditional practices to get the most out of your time on your mat. This Resilience Retreat will take you through a weekend long journey to help you train your nervous system, revitalize your physiology, shift your mindset, optimize tissue function, and most important of all give you the tools to continue this work on your own regardless of where you practice.

Resilience implies an ability to adapt and recover quickly in challenging circumstances and this capacity for resilience is within our human design. Cultivating a deep sense of resilience means addressing both our physical capacity & physiological function as well as our mental & emotional well-being. Most importantly it requires a shift in perspective to override the negativity bias automations of our brain that protect us from danger but can also perpetuate the cycle of burnout.
This retreat has your name on it if you’re struggling with exhaustion, sleep, recovery, focus, motivation, anxiety, overwhelm, concentration, memory, or are looking to enhance your overall health & resilience. Whether you’re on the burnout spectrum or looking to build resilience the inputs are the same- challenge the system to rise to the occasion when needed and make rest and recovery your superpower.

This retreat will involve challenging & stimulating practices as a training impulse, along with nourishing introspective practices to support recovery & optimal energy levels that allow your internal systems to recalibrate to a new baseline. Prompts will be given to guide you to individualize the experience to support your unique needs & goals. There will be flow to embody the transformation, introspective practices to guide the deeper work, and a heavy dose of breathwork & MFR to give you some potent tools at your fingertips when you leave. You’ll leave with tools to continue to support your resilience, insights on areas you can individually focus on, and a shift in perspective to how you approach your practice. Expect both active, accessible classes as well as more introspective & restorative experiences, both empowering you with tools to unlock your resilience. All you need is some vinyasa experience, all levels are welcome.

This training is Yoga Alliance Certified and will count as 8 CEU’s as well as 8 hours towards Yoga Medicines 500 Hour Program.