Hey there, readers! While walking downtown, I captured my five top “Instagrammable” spots that you should check out this time of year.

1. Buffalo Statue
As a CU Buff, I love to see CU spirit outside and around the downtown community. Since it has been named the best college town in the U.S., it's only natural for downtown to have a Buffalo statue. This statue is also an excellent reason to sit, stand, or give a “Sko Buffs” for a photo. Although Buffaloes are not native to Colorado, the North American Bison are, but who can tell the difference anyway?

2. Rock Walkway
What's more “Colorado” than rocks? After taking a Colorado Geology class and going rock climbing, I had a newfound love for geologic formations such as this one! I took a photo of these rocks the first time I visited Boulder, and they still hold meaning whenever I wander downtown. I have no idea how they got the giant granite slabs onto the bricks without a scratch, but they sure make for a great photo opportunity.

3. Rainbow crosswalk
A lot of the vibrance and beauty of downtown comes from artwork. They all bring bright colors downtown, my favorite being the intersection of 10th and Pearl’s rainbow crosswalk towards the West end. I highly recommend a picture on the rainbow with the mountain backdrop!

4. Avanti's Rooftop
Boulder’s sunny days are a significant reason why I came to CU! The sunshine here pairs great with the famous Flatirons, which you can see looking west from Avanti's rooftop. Especially in the spring, having a drink, treat, or snack from the Avanti vendors is gorgeous as you take in the view.

5. "This is My Happy Place" Mural (Across from OAK at Fourteenth)
The final picture-worthy staple of downtown is the "This is My Happy Place" Mural! I speak for myself (and many others) when I say Boulder is my happy place. The positive message it sends is even more beautiful. Located on the corner of 14th and Pearl, the lovely mural influenced by the Downtown Boulder Partnership is a perfect picture to remember downtown by.
Anywhere in Boulder can be picture-worthy, but I hope this guide helped you find new spots next time you go downtown!
Enjoy the sunshine; see you next time!
Mentioned in this Post: 1100 Block of Pearl St, Avanti Boulder
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