Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Hellooo Boulderites!
My name is Alicia and I am the new fall intern for Downtown Boulder.
I am absolutely thrilled to completely immerse myself in this distinctive and exciting space! Currently, I am a junior at the University of Colorado Boulder studying Strategic Communications with an emphasis in Public Relations and a minor in Business.
Ever since I moved to Boulder, I have felt completely at home with the friendly downtown community, wide array of activities, and endless amounts of shops and restaurants!
Before my move to Boulder I spent all of my life in Dallas, Texas where I grew up with scorching hot summers and far and wide suburbia. When I was looking at schools, I knew I wanted to explore a different area where there was plenty to do. Boulder turned out to be the perfect place as I was immediately drawn to its beautiful mountains and welcoming sense of belonging.
Additionally, the ability to hike, run errands, and grab a bite in downtown Boulder all in one day is extremely convenient and appealing! You can often catch me enjoying a Saturday at the Boulder Farmers Market and then maybe also shopping at Urban Outfitters or Buffalo Exchange. Another of my favorite things to do is to treat myself to a coffee at Ozo Coffee or Alpine Modern, and to get dinner with friends at Bartaco or Next Door!
I cannot wait to explore even more of downtown Boulder beyond what I already know, so that by the time I am a senior I will be an expert in the area. I look forward to spending this fall semester meeting locals, preparing for Fall Fest, and discovering all of the incredible local businesses which make up the downtown district. I hope you all enjoy hearing about my experiences, it will be such a fun journey!
All the best,
Intern Alicia
Mentioned in this Post: bartaco, Boulder County Farmers Markets, OZO Coffee Roasters (West Pearl), Urban Outfitters
Tagged: Boulder, Coffee, Restaurants, Shopping