Freebird Stores
Category: Shoes
1142 Pearl St View on Google Maps
Boulder, CO 80302
(720) 406-3488
Social Media
At FREEBIRD they believe in infusing the present with the past. That updating the classics with contemporary design is what keeps moments alive. And something that is truly genuine, cannot be forgotten. They come to work every day because we believe that fashion should not be limited to a single demographic. This is why they pride themselves in their product and create a range of styles targeted towards those who dare to push the boundaries of fashion. FREEDOM is their foundation, INDIVIDUALITY is their core, and INDEPENDENCE is their virtue. They invite you to step into their world and create new moments that will withstand the test of time.
Nearby Dining
- Lindsay's Boulder Deli @ Häagen Dazs1148 Pearl St (84 feet N)
- Japango1136 Pearl St (103 feet NW)
- Nitro Club1124 Pearl St (104 feet SW)
- Sundown Saloon1136 Pearl St (116 feet NW)
Nearby Shopping
- Native Roots1146 Pearl St (14 feet NW)
- The Underground Smoke Shop1144 Pearl St (98 feet NW)
- Ragstock1915 Broadway (100 feet SE)
- Weekends1200 Pearl St (127 feet NE)
Nearby Parking & Public Buildings
- COMMUTIFI1111 Pearl St (306 feet NW)
- 11th & Walnut1100 Walnut St (418 feet SW)
- 11th & Spruce Parking Garage1100 Spruce St (486 feet NW)
- One Boulder Plaza1800 Broadway (525 feet SE)